Kinematic Sequence of the Golf Swing

What are we trying to achieve with a golf swing besides the obvious of hitting more fairways and greens? Are we focused on the efficiency of the swing or the style? The founders of Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) define the elite golf swing as the most efficient pathway based upon an individuals body type and physical capabilities.“We don’t believe there is one way to swing a club, but an infinite number of ways to swing a club. But we do believe there is one efficient way to swing a club and it is based on what players can physically do.”(TPI)
When looking at the Kinematic Sequence of the golf swing –which is defined by the way speed/power is generated and transferred throughout the body–all elite golf strikers have a similar pattern. From the top of the back swing, energy initiation begins with the lower body (foot, hip, pelvis), thoracic cage moves next, arms go third and the club finishes. The key component of the downswing is that before each sequence transitions to the next body part, there is a period of deceleration –an eccentric contraction of the associated muscle groups. Specifically, each segment of the body builds (accelerates) on the previous segment’s deceleration; this efficient energy transfer from the ground up is what produces the power in the golf swing.
Determining the physical/mechanical capabilities of each player’s body mechanics are fundamental in developing this efficient kinematic sequence. Identifying and treating dysfunctions throughout the entire kinematic chain from the foot/ankle all the way up to the cranium are essential in maximizing our existing potential. For this reason, all golfers should have a skilled clinician, personal trainer and golf professional to work in collaboration, not only to scratch a few strokes off the game, but also to optimize overall function.
– David Park, PT, DPT