What is Telehealth?

What is Telehealth?

What is Telehealth?

We are living in the most unprecedented of times where masks and working from home are the new normal. We are all learning to adapt to new social circumstance and respecting social distancing. Most people working from home are using Zoom, Uberconference, or Google Hangouts to “telecommute” to meetings.  We are doing the same! Technology has allowed us to keep in touch with our patients and continue continuity of care in the comfort of their homes.

Telehealth means access to physical therapists not just from home, but even your office as we start to reopen. If you are pinched for time, you can schedule an appointment rather than plan for travel time cutting into work or activities. The appointment is still 1 hour with the same quality therapists and experience.

How does that work with my insurance?

Most insurances have now accepted Telehealth as a standard of care, in an attempt to continue to flatten the curve. They are recognizing it as a primary form of care. We will submit for reimbursement the same way as always as a courtesy for our patients.

What are the Benefits of Telehealth?

  • Movement experts in the field and trained to observe
  • Provide self mobilization and therapeutic prescriptions to decrease pain and manage symptoms without coming in
  • Access to help you better adapt your work from home office spaces
  • Progressing Home exercise programs
  • We can workout with you!

What type of patients benefit from Telehealth?


  • Ergonomic Assessments
  • Sleep Posture Evaluations
  • Postural evaluation
  • Exercise routine updates
  • Running and walking assessments
  • Neck, Shoulder, low back, knee, hip, ankle – Head to toe orthopedic related issues
  • Pelvic floor consultations
  • And more….

What to expect during your Telehealth ExperienceYou

Your appointment will be on a secure Zoom account that is HIPAA compliant. We email you the link directly. We will start with asking about your primary concerns, dysfunctions, discomfort, and other informative questions as we do in person. Then we move to evaluation of movements, postures, and lines of tension to observe dysfunctions and discover your potential. Depending on your symptoms and evaluative findings, we, the therapists, will guide you in self management, treatment, and possibly a home exercise program as deemed appropriate. Often times, other family members may join in to help their loved ones during the physical therapy session.

How to make Telehealth Successful: 

  • Preferably wear a tank top and shorts
  • Wear light colored clothing
  • Find an open room or space in your home or your office are for an ergonomic assessment and evaluation
  • Set up away from open windows as it tends to obscure the camera lighting, or close the blinds and curtains
  • Place the computer, phone, or tablet in a well lit space
  • Sound quality may be better if you wear earphones, however, if they are not wireless, you may have to remove them for activity purposes
  • You can email your therapist before hand if you have any props such as theragun, yoga blocks, lacrosse ball, bands, foam roll, etc that you think may be useful!

To experience Telehealth, we are offering a complimentary 15 minute consultation appointment via Zoom. Additionally to experience us on Zoom, we have two complimentary live zoom classes for body awareness/movement and core strengthening for all levels on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm.

We are offering complimentary 15 minute appointments on telehealth. We also offer 30 minute and 1 hour sessions. Sessions can be bought in packages with discounted prices. Please inquire with reception@ipanyc.com for more information and to schedule appointments. We look forward to connecting with you and discovering your potential!

Written by Dani Luna PT, DPT, CSCS